The Ogame life



First off, Welcome to my site.
My name is Den, I have been playing ogame for 4 years, I know, all those many hours spent online instead of sleeping lol, that's why I chose the name Insomniac.
 I have played in the following Universes with different usernames, 3,26,29,36,40,42 I might of missed 1 or 2.  I have been HoF'd a few times and done few HoF's, the game would be no fun if you never got hit :).  After the first year I tried to get my wife to play, big mistake, she hated it. But hey it's not everyones cup of tea, a text based game, where are the graphics? then I tried to get my daughter to play and got banned for multi accounting, Damn those GO's.
Lucky enough that I had a second uni account and worked on that, built from scratch, made friends and enemies. But still I didn't know how to acs attack or anything, just few alone :(.
Then I changed alliances and learn't alot.  I would talk about ogame all the time, even in bed with my wife. She got so annoyed with me so she said that she wanted to learn and would stick with it.
Now she runs her own alliance and is doing great. So I dedicate this site to her and hopefully she reads and learns too.

Well enough kak from me about my adventures in ogame, lets start from the basics.