The Ogame life



You can learn about the most basic buildings as well as the ones you will need the most while playing OGame here. You can also find out about the most profitable order to build them depending on the kind of strategy that you decide to play.

The Solar Plant:
This building is used to produce energy to have your mines working, in any of strategy this is the first building you will need to construct. The output will be energy which can be used to produce metal, crystal and deuterium. As soon as the building is completed you can see how much energy it produces at the top bar next to the amount of resources your planet has. The energy output can be seen in the Calculate screen in the left menu.

The Metal Mine:

Metal mines produce metal on energy expenses. Metal is the most common type of reources available in the game. Metal is needed for nearly everything that can be built or researched. It is recommended to have a highly developed metal mine, particularly in the beginning.

To raise your empire as well as interact with other players you need to build more advanced buildings. The research lab and shipyard enable you to build your fleet and defence. More information can be found here:

The shipyard:
Here you can build all the ships that will be available in the game. Although the shipyard can be built quite early most of the ships need some research in order to be built. For an overview of available ships as well as what is needed to build them you can use the "Technology" button on the left hand menu. A higher level shipyard allows you to build ships faster.

The Research Lab:

This building is needed in order to research. You can research new technologies that allow you to build new ships and defences. Also, some technologies improve current ships. Research can be completed faster by building up the research lab.

This section should explain the basics about planetary defences and how to handle your first fleets. You should be able to find a short explanation on the available fleet missions and on ways of interacting with other players.

The Galaxy screen shows you other players nearby and detailed information about their planets and moons. You can send espionage probes from this screen to spy on another planet, as well as send a message to a player.

Launching Fleets:

There are two options to accomplish this. You may either launch your fleets straight from the Galaxy screen or you may use the Fleet screen to select the amount of each kind of fleet that you will send on this mission. After that you will be requested to enter the Coordinates of your target and the speed of the fleet you will be launching. You are left now with picking the kind of mission that you mean your fleet to fulfil: Attack, Deploy, Harvest or Transport.


To build defence on your planets you choose Defence on the left side menu. There you can build up your planetary defence from rocket launchers up to a large shield dome. In case you are attacked they will fight alongside the fleet you have at that time on the planet against the enemy. Unlike your fleet, 70% of defence will be rebuilt after a battle.



Acc = Account
ACS = Alliance Combat System
ACS Def - ACS Defend
Admin = Administrator
Advanced (hit) = a hit equal to or exceeding 100.000.000 total damage.
Ally/Allie = Alliances with a NAP.
Ally-Depot = Alliance depot
ABM = Anti Ballistic Missile
Att = attack
AT = Armour technology


B7 = Banned
BA = Board Administrator
Bash = To attack a planet or moon more than allowed.
BC = Battlecruiser
Blind (phalanx/lanx) = Manual calculating and synchronised an attack to hit a fleet on return of any mission type, that the return is not normally phalanxable.
Bomb = Bomber
BS = Battleship
Buguser = Somebody who illegaly profits from a games flaw.


Cheats = Illegal tacts to profit in-game.
Cheater = Somebody who uses cheats.
Comp Tech = Computer Technology
CR = Combat Report
coords = Coordinates
Col = Colony
Colo Ship = Colony Ship
Counter = counterattack. Hit a fleet returning from an attack.
Crash, hit = Attack someone with the intent to destroy their fleet and harvest the debris field.
Crashed = To have one�s fleet destroyed.
Crys = Crystal
Crys Mine = Crystal Mine
Crys Stor = Crystal Storage


Def = Defence
Deffer = A player who's planet is nearly unattackable, because of it is enormous defence
Dessie = Destroyer
Deut = Deuterium
Deut Synthesizer = Deuterium Synthesizer
Deut Tank = Deuterium Tank
DF = Debris Field
Diplo = Diplomat of an alliance
Direct Login = A web based tacting to login without using the portal page.


EH = EventHandler, a program controlling all events in the game
Energy Tech = Energy Technology


Farm (Verb) = To frequently raid someone�s resources destroying his defence
Flamer = A player who constantly insults and misbehaves
Fleetsave = A fleet mission undergone to protect a fleet for a certain amount of time usually until the person is next on
Fusi = Fusion Reactor


GA = Game Administrator, highest instance of the game operators.
Gal = Galaxy
Gauss/GC = Gauss Canon
GF = GameForge Productions GmbH, Operator company of OGame
GLOTR = Good luck on the rebuild (usually said to a player who is crashed or ninja�d)
GO = Game Operator � ensures rules of the game are upheld
Grav attempt = attempt to successfully build enough solar satellites to be able to research Graviton Technology.
Gravi/Grav = Gravitiation Technology


HC = High Commander, High Council; Boss of a alliance
Heavies/HF = Heavy fighters
HoF = Hall of Fame. An attack on someone that creates a 20% moonchance on a player that is not inactive.
HP = Home planet, the one you begin with.
HSD = Hyperspace Drive
Hyper Tech = Hyperspace Technology


IBC = In before close (generally used in the Spamboard)
IGRN/IRN = Intergalactic Research Network
IPM = Interplanetary Missiles
Imp Drive = Impulse Drive
Ios/IC = Ion Canon
Io Tech/IT = Ion Technology


JG, Gate = Jump Gate
Jumping = The act of moving one�s fleet via a jump gate


K = kilo = 1.000 units
KK = kilokilo (Millon), 1.000.000 units
Kick = To sack someone from an alliance or such.


Lag = Informatic Delay which cause the game/board to run slower.
Lanx, scan = Phalanx (noun and verb)
Laser Tech = Laser Technology
LC = Large Cargo
LD = Large Shield Dome
Legor = Inventor and Coder of OGame
LF = Light fighter
LL = Light Laser

Main = Main Alliance/Main Planet
Member = Member of an Alliance
Meta = Coalition of alliances
Met = Metal
Met Mine = Metal Mine
Met Stor = Metal Storage
Mil = Million, 1.000.000 units.
Mobile = Temporary colony(/ies) for moving your fleet beyond your permanent locations.
Mod = Moderator of the board
Moonshot/chance = An arranged destruction of a fleet with the intent to create a moon.
MS = Missile Silo
MB = Moon Base
Multi = Having more than one account in one universe (illegal)


Nani = Nanite Factory
Ninja = When a players attack is covertly counter attacked. [Verb]=Ninja'd to be victim to a ninja counter attack.
Noob/Newbie = sb, who is new
NAP = Non Aggression Pact/No Attacking Pact

Off = Not to be logged in
On = To be logged in


Phalanx = (1) Sensor Phalanx (2) To phalanx another�s fleet
Pillory/Pranger = List of banned players
Plasma = Plasma Turret
Plasma Tech = Plasma Technology
Pos = Position
Probe = (1), scan (2) 1. verb - to espionage. noun - an espionage probe. 2. verb - to espionage OR to phalanx. noun - an espionage report
Prod = Production
Proggies = Programmers
Pull = to provide a lower ranked player an unfair advantage. Unlike pushing, legal.
Push, to = A lower ranked player sending a higher ranked player resources for free. Can be direct or indirect.
PW = Password


QATC = Question answered thread closed


Raid = Attack with the intention to take resources off a planet, not crash.
Raider = Player whose main income are his raids.
RF = Rapid fire
RL = Rocket Launcher
Rec = Recycler
Res = Resources
RIP = Deathstar
Robo = Robotics Factory

Sat = Solar Satellite
Script = Usually an illegal program that replaces the human actions ingame.
SC = Small Cargo
SGO = Super Game Operator, the higher instance of a GameOperator
Sitter = A person who legally takes care of an account that he does not own.
SL = Light laser
SMod = Super Moderator
SSD = Small Shield Dome
SS = Solar System
ST = Shielding Technology


TD = (1) Total Debris (2) Total Damage
Tech = Technologies. Usually Weapons, Shield and Armour technologies.
Terra = Terraformer
Trolling = Posting for the purpose of inciting flames/annoying other users.
Turtle = See Deffer. Creating a shell of defense to make your fleet and resources unprofitable or unattackable.


Uni = Universe

Vac = Vacation Mode
VMode = Vacation Mode


WFR = Wicked Fast Rebuild
Wing = Daughter Alliance
WT = Weapons Technology